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Xiaosu YI

Xiaosu YI

Chair Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo China


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Xiaosu Yi is Chair Professor in Advanced Materials and Composites at the Nottingham University Ningbo China (UNNC) and CEO of Yangtze Delta Carbon Fiber and Composite Materials Innovation Centre (CCIC), Fellow of SAMPE (F. SAMPE), Academician of APAM (Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials), and Chairman of SAMPE Global China. His major research interests include composites science and technology, multifunctional composite technology, green materials and composites, polymer materials and plastic process engineering, and adhesive bonding etc.

About University of Nottingham Ningbo China:

The University of Nottingham Ningbo (UNNC) is a Sino-foreign co-operative university established in 2004 in Ningbo, China. It is the first Sino-foreign co-operative university with an independent campus and independent legal personality in the history of Chinese education. According to the "World’s Top 2% Scientists" list recently published by Stanford University and Elsevier (2024), 39 scholars of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China are included in the single year database and 21 scholars in the career-long database, both showing an increase from the previous year. Prof Xiaosu Yi is one among them.
