
Biography :
Peio Olaskoaga is a mechanical Engineer for the University of Basque Country, an area with a high concentration of machine tools manufacturers. He has been working for more than 25 years at IDEKO Research Center, participating in the development of new machine and process concepts for different manufacturing processes. Since 8 years ago he has involved in the automation of manufacturing of composites for the aerospace sector and since 2020, he is responsible of the Automated Dry Material Placement (ADMP) demonstration cell at IDEKO facilities. As a part of his activities, he has participated and led several EU projects and, among them, he is currently coordinating INFINITE Project.
About IDEKO:
IDEKO is a research centre that specialises in industrial production and manufacturing technologies, and is integrated into the BRTA, Basque Research & Technology Alliance, an agreement between 16 technology centres and cooperative research centres. Our activity covers the identification and analysis of opportunities, the design and development of products, business lines and production processes and the resolution of problems through the provision of technological services such as technical consultancy and equipment based services.
04-Mar-2025Open StageINFINITE – Aerospace Composites Digitally Sensorised from Manufacturing to End-of-life