Biography :
Emma Claxton has worked for Rolls-Royce plc over 25 years. She started with a technical career in high temperature ceramic matrix composites, having previously completed a doctorate in ceramics at Imperial College. Since then she has also worked on ceramics for fuel cells before returning to aero where she has worked on the composite fan and UltraFan projects since 2012. She is currently a technical programme manager looking after the validation testing for the composite fan and specialising in the delivery of large rig tests. Outside of Rolls-Royce, Emma is the lead for the Ceramics Group of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and was the recipient of the 2022 Verulam Prize for her work in that field.
About Rolls-Royce plc :
Rolls-Royce plc develops and delivers complex power and propulsion solutions.For more than 100 years it has been at the forefront of innovation. Helping to power, protect and connect the modern world.
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06-Mar-2024Agora 6Beyond Boundaries: Composite Materials Shaping the Aerospace Industry