Christopher BUCHMANN
With 15 years of experience in the composite field, Dr. Christopher Buchmann currently leads a multidisciplinary team working on automation solutions for composite manufacturing. Having graduated from TU Munich with a diploma in aerospace engineering, he joined Airbus Group Innovations as a PhD researcher, working on optimization strategies to increase the robustness of manufacturing processes for vacuum infusion parts. The knowledge and experience gained he brought in as a co-founder of InFactory Solutions, an Airbus subsidiary developing innovative sensors for inline process monitoring. After the InFactory Solutions team was taken over and merged into Testia GmbH, he took over the position of team lead. In addition, he acts as product owner for Testia’s flow front monitoring and leakage detection technologies, whose development he has led from the start.
About Testia:
Testia is an Airbus company with 30 years of experience in aerostructure inspections and non-destructive testing. Thanks to its global presence with facilities in Europe, North America and Asia, Testia can provide worldwide services and a global solution to the industry needs. With a unique range of NDT products and services, Testia is the end-to-end aerospace NDT provider. It offers a broad range of NDT and quality inspection equipment for quick and efficient analysis of structures, components and assembly. Testia also trains and qualifies personnel in all NDT methods, at all qualification levels, as well as provide inspections, consultancy and engineering services.