Christophe BINETRUY
Biography :
Christophe Binetruy is professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (GeM – UMR CNRS 6183) at Centrale Nantes / Nantes Université.
He is Vice-President of the European Society for Composite Materials since 2018. He is currently Affiliated Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware (USA), and Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship of Nantes Université (France).
His primary research interests are the physical and numerical modelling of advanced composite manufacturing processes with multi-scale and multiphysics-based approaches, as well as design for manufacturing based on concurrent engineering methods.
About Nantes Université :
Nantes Université is a public higher education and research institution that proposes a university model that is unique in France, bringing together a university, a university hospital (Nantes University Hospital), a technological research institute (IRT Jules Verne), a national research organisation (Inserm) and the grandes écoles (Centrale Nantes, Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts, Nantes School of Architecture).
These partners are working together to develop the areas of excellence in Nantes research, in particular to design and build the health and industry of the future. They offer students new training opportunities by opening up ways of thinking, cultures and practices.
Nantes Université is a sustainable institution, committed to and involved in the development of society. It has a global and original policy in favour of open science, open education and open innovation.
05-Mar-2024CampusResearch, Education, Innovation & Technology Transfer
06-Mar-2024CampusResearch, Education, Innovation & Technology Transfer
05-Mar-2024CampusResearch, Education, Innovation & Technology Transfer
06-Mar-2024CampusResearch, Education, Innovation & Technology Transfer