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True Circularity

05 Mar 2025
Open Stage
  • 9.40-10.00: Green Composites for Circular Economy by Dr.-Ing Xiao-Su YI, Li Duk Sum Chair Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), YangTze Delta Carbon Fiber and Composite Material Innovation Center (CCIC), SAMPE China

Beginning from the ambitious target of green aviation, we participated in ECO-COMPASS project co-funded by Chinese and European governments. In line with the project and behind, we have been developing green materials and application technology for composite, particularly for the next generation of aircraft industry. This development not only includes semi structural materials for secondary and interior aircraft application, but also for composite process consumable materials, for example breather and flow mesh etc. They showcase a possible and feasible industrial circular economy. Success stories will be presented and demonstrated. We are looking forward to future cooperation with any industrial and academic partners.

  • 10.00-10.20: Aerospace Composite Materials Circularity – Our Path to Sustainable Value by Pete GEORGE, Materials and Processes Engineer, The Boeing Company, SAMPE North America

Successfully paving the aerospace composite materials circularity path will reach through our entire product lifecycle for ultimate success.   Engagement from raw materials through OEM’s and airlines to recyclers will achieve the practical and technically sound solutions required to maintain current fleet 90+% recyclability levels.  Pete will share Boeings work on that path which started in the early 2000s for factory excess recycling and is now focusing on end of life.                                    

  • 10.20-10.40: Recycling Technology Development Strategy Based on LCA and its Sensitivity Analysis by Prof. Dr. Eng. Jun TAKAHASHI, Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, SAMPE Japan        

Although FRP was less consumed than metal materials and plastics, it will 'really' have to be recycled in the near future. In order to consider the direction of creating more valuable FRP services on the basis of recycling as well as minimising the impact of climate change and resource depletion, there is a growing need to develop and improve the accuracy of FRP's LCA. This presentation will show how data incompleteness in LCA can be considered and how decisions can be made.      

  • 10.40-11.00: Bio-based Precursors Towards High Performance Thermoset Material by Pr. Henri CRAMAIL, Professor, University of Bordeaux, SAMPE Europe                                   

In the field of epoxy thermosets, diglycidylether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA) is the most common resin used due to fast curing with diamine or anhydride compounds and to the production of low cost and high thermal properties thermosets. However, due to health and environmental concerns, the design of safer resins is today a hot topic. In this presentation, the design of novel biobased epoxy monomers from lignin, vegetable oils and abietic acid together with their use as source of high-performance thermoset materials will be discussed.  

Dr Henri CRAMAIL, Professor - University of Bordeaux
Mr Pete GEORGE, Senior Engineer - Boeing
Dr Xiaosu YI, Chair Professor - University of Nottingham Ningbo China
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SAMPE Session
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