Extreme Composites
- 14.00-14.20: Phthalonitrile Resins based Polymeric Bi-Continuous Electrolyte for High-Temperature Structural Battery Composites by Dr. Lijiao XUN, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, SAMPE China
Structural battery integrated composites (SBICs) combining outstanding strength and heat resistance are highly desirable candidates for next generation high speed aircraft. Here, we present a novel high-temperature-resistant bi-continuous electrolyte based on phthalonitrile resin, allowing the construction of SBICs capable of stable operation across a wide temperature range. The demonstration of resist mechanical abuse at high temperatures and flame retardance further suggests the promise of SBICs with bi-continuous electrolytes operating under extreme conditions.
- 14.20-14.40: Advanced Manufacturing of High-Performance Composites by Pr. Benjamin GARCIA, Executive Director, Miller Advanced Research and Solutions (MARS) Center, Weber State University, SAMPE North America
Through a $20M appropriation from the state of Utah, Weber State University stood up a new facility in November 2023 for advanced manufacturing of high temperature composites called the Miller Advanced Research and Solutions (MARS) Center. The MARS Center is developing next generation capabilities for carbon/carbon and ceramic matrix composites using advanced manufacturing equipment such as additive manufacturing, rapid sintering and densification processes, and liquid metal infiltration. High fidelity prototypes are fabricated using new materials and processes to ensure affordability and manufacturability. The manufacturing equipment can accommodate full-scale or close to full-scale prototypes to accelerate technology and manufacturing readiness from levels four (4) to six (6). In addition to advanced manufacturing, the MARS Center is also equipped to assess mechanical and thermal properties up to 1600°C. Advanced nondestructive evaluation tools utilizing both robotic x-ray CT and laser UT technologies ensure that all composite structures are fully inspected prior to delivery and test. By providing academic, industry, and government partners equipment, expertise, engineering, manufacturing, and testing capacity the development of advanced composite materials for hypersonic vehicles, rocket motors, and reentry applications is accelerated with rapid transition to the defense industry.
- 14.40-15.00: CyFT™ : Next-Generation Hybrid CFRP Prepreg with Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) by Naoya NAKAMARU, Europe Business Director, Global Business Development Office, CARBON FLY, Inc., SAMPE Japan
Carbon Fly Co., Ltd. has developed the hybrid prepreg, CyFT™, by integrating CFRP with 100% carbon nanotube (CNT) films, produced through careful quality control of individual CNT properties and their subsequent processing into film form. CyFT™ exhibits outstanding properties including ultra-light weight, high strength and improved tensile elongation at break. This presentation will provide a detailed overview of the technological features of CyFT™ and explore the vast potential of advanced CNT technology.
- 15.00-15.20: Understanding the Cause of Residual Stresses in Carbon-PAEK Laminates at Cryogenic Temperature by Dr.-Ing. Julian KUPSKI, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Hochschule für Technik, Institut für Kunststofftechnik / Faserverbund & Leichtbau, SAMPE Europe
This study presents a multiscale experimental analysis of aerospace grade Carbon fibre (CF) / Polyaryletherketone (PAEK) composites materials, when exposed to cryogenic temperature. The scope of this work comprises four experiments: 1) On the microscale, a comparative study of fibre-matrix-compatibility by single fibre pull-out testing method. 2) On the mesoscale, the determination of thermal expansion via expansion-probe Thermo Mechanical Analysis (TMA) and the flexural modulus via three point bending PT-Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) over the range of -150 °C up to 300 °C. 3) On the mesoscale, a combination of gas permeation testing and visual inspection of transverse micro-cracking via micro-CT scanning after a cyclic thermal loading of unidirectional and cross-ply laminates. 4) On the macroscale, quasi-static tensile testing of unidirectional laminates in longitudinal and in transverse direction at ambient and at cryo-temperature.