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Revolin Sports Helix Pickleball Paddle

Revolin Sports INC.
Revolin Sports' Helix Pickleball Paddle is made from a patented combination of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites formed in a Helicoidal layering architecture inspired by nature - specifically, the ultra-high-strength, light-weight armor of the mantis shrimp. It's 30% quieter and is manufactured with a roughly 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emission compared to traditional paddles

Why and Whom

Revolin Sports Founder, Hugh Davis started playing pickleball 10 year ago, before it was cool. He became frustrated with current paddles that were loud, hurt his arm and wrist and would only last a couple months before they broke. He invented the Helix Pickleball Paddle for pickleball players that want a premium paddle, that was different than anything else, and could be used for years.


EcoTechnilin | Helicoid Industries INC.

Key Benefits

Revolin Sports has made a premium pickleball paddle with unmatch control, touch, forgivness, spin, and vibration dampening. This allows users to play longer, train harder, and expereince less muscle fatigue. This paddle also has a reduced environmental impact thanks to the use of natural fiber composites and recyclable polymers. Feel good about using this paddle on and off the court!


Award Finalist - Sports Leisure & Recreation