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Innovation Planets Parts

JEC World

rCF based Automobile Inner Panel (Tail gate)

Ilsung Composites Co., Ltd.
Carbon fiber is sensitive for electromagnetic field with specific frequency range. Thus the recycling process with using the induction heating has no limitation for the geometry, polymer matrix, dimension of CFRP waste. For this characteristics of induction heating based recycling, our technology can be applied to recycling the endless carbon fiber from composites overwrapped pressure vessle.

Why and Whom

Our technology are developed by the mistake from heating of CFRP mold which will be used as mold for composite manufacturing. As we applied the electro-magnetic field with high frequency, the CFRP Mold burn out in a second. From this phenomenon, we tried to develop this technology for recycling of CFRP waste.


Korea Textile Machinery Convergence Research Institute (KOTMI) | Hyundai Motors Corporation | Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) | Wagenfelder Spinnereien GmbH | C.Cramer&Co. GmbH

Key Benefits

Induction heating based pyrolysis of CFRP waste implement the fast recycling of CFRP waste without fiber shortening caused from the mechanical shredding which for improving the reclaiming efficiency. For this reason, the final customer easily get the recycled carbon fiber with high aspect ratio and without the limitation of fiber length.


Award Winner - Circularity & Recycling