One Shot Wing Movable / Control Surface
The primary structure of A/C can be produced out-of-autoclave using SQRTM. This method can fabricate wing movable / control surfaces in a single shot , significantly more efficiently than the traditional autoclave process. As the global aviation industry aims for a net-zero target by 2050 and seeks cost-reduction opportunities to meet rising demand, integrated parts are poised to become leaders.
Why and Whom
Turkish Aerospace has proposed the development of a one-shot SQRTM Aileron box for Airbus' A350XWB aircraft, primarily to reduce costs.
AIRBUS | Coexpair SA
Key Benefits
Implementing SQRTM technology in complex movable structures such as Ailerons offers the advantage of an optimized structure with reduced thickness across chord and spanwise directions, complemented by multiple stiffeners. The benefits include; Enhanced design integration, complete process control, improved quality and reduced waste, reduced cycl time, decreased costs, reduced energy consumptions.