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Innovation Planets Parts

JEC World

MFFD Upper Test-Shell for the exhibition // MFFD Upper Shell as final demonstrator

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
The Upper-Shell demonstrator was manufactured using fiber-reinforced LM-PAEK material. Advanced fiber placement with in-situ consolidation was matured for skin lay-up. In-house developed world’s first fully-automatic robot-based ultrasonic welding was used for the assembly of the stringers. Resistance welding using carbon mesh as welding element was used to integrate frames and cleats.

Why and Whom

The Upper-Shell was part of the Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD). The aim of the entire MFFD demonstrator was to reduce weight compared to the current A321 ACF by using fiber-reinforced thermoplastics in the structure and recurring costs by significantly increasing the degree of automation in production.


Premium Aerotec (PAG) | Aernnova Aerospaces and affiliates | Airbus

Key Benefits

In today's final assembly line, the aircraft structure is installed with systems after it has been completed, as the metal chips produced during drilling could otherwise damage them. Using themoplastic composites allows to use welding technologies which makes it possible to pre-equip the individual parts automatically due to better accessibility.


Award Winner Aerospace - Parts