Longitudinal butt joint demonstrator for thermoplastic fuselage shell segments
CONTIjoin utilizes the thermoplastic material properties to join large-volume fuselage structures by continuous co-consolidation. CONTIjoin enables the layup and instantaneous co-consolidation of multi-layered, multidirectionally reinforced thermoplastic laminates with up to six pre-consolidated plies. Currently, the process facilitates maximum laminate widths of 360 millimeters.
Why and Whom
Due to their outstanding specific mechanical properties, fiber-reinforced plastic composites offer considerable potential for weight savings compared with classic metal fuselages made of aluminum. The use of thermoplastic polymer matrices enables completely new joining processes, such as CONTIjoin, which ensure a monomaterial joint design without the additional need for fasteners or adhesives.
Fraunhofer IFAM | Fraunhofer IGCV | FFT Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Airbus
Key Benefits
The use of thermoplastic materials and novel technologies is expected to increase the production rate to up to 100 passenger aircraft per month. At the same time, the weight of the fuselage is to be significantly reduced. Furthermore, recycling and repair strategies can be implemented in the service time of such aircraft structures.
Award Winner Aerospace - Parts