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Innovation Planets Parts

JEC World

Foil infinite

Foil infinite includes 80% of recyclable materials and 10% of already recycled ones. The sensor's embedded will allow us to measure the robustness of selected materials in extreme conditions. A singlehanded race across the Atlantic is planed this autumn to demonstrate their reliability aboards MiniLab sailing boat!

Why and Whom

A hydrofoil is a submarine wing allowing boat to fly above the water, making these parts emblematic both of the aeronautical and marine industry. Materials and technologies used are easily transferable to aeronautical industry, placing our innovation as a pathfinder to recycle full composite structures. We will explore the full life span of these materials before the first TPC wings are produced!


MiniLab | Compositic | IRMA | Victrex | Diab

Key Benefits

Avel’s hydrofoil have a footprint of 45KgCO2eq /Kg of foil. Thanks to recyclability and reduced scrap rates the new process we have developed is 30% more sustainable, reaching 30KgCO2eq/Kg. Thermoplastic composites also offers key feature properties enhancing the foil performance, such as increased steering performance, layup rates and chock absorption properties!


Award Finalist - Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding