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JEC World


Inspiration durch Experten und Führungskräfte

Lassen Sie sich von den führenden Köpfen der Verbundwerkstoffbranche inspirieren, wenn sie ihre Visionen für die Zukunft vorstellen! Auf den beiden Agora-Bühnen erwarten Sie Podiumsdiskussionen, Produktpräsentationen und vieles mehr!


JEC Composites Conferences

Besuchen Sie die beiden Agora-Bühnen (Halle 5 und Halle 6) mit Podiumsdiskussionen und Präsentationen von führenden Experten der Verbundwerkstoffindustrie. Entdecken Sie die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen, die sich auf die Branche auswirken, und werfen Sie einen Blick in die Zukunft der Verbundwerkstoffe, indem Sie die Visionen der Experten kennenlernen, die in der Zukunft liegen.

Diese Veranstaltungen sind ein Muss für jeden, der in der Verbundwerkstoffbranche tätig ist und sich über die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden halten und mit gleichgesinnten Fachleuten vernetzen möchte.

Konferenzen Agenda / Podiumsdiskussionen & Vortäge

Agora 5
  1. Agora 5
    Welcome to JEC World 2025! Discover the highlights of the three days as well as the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards 2025!
    log jec    Logo Kordsa
  2. Agora 5
    As companies strive to meet zero-emissions goals, evaluating a product’s carbon footprint is vital. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one tool composites industry OEMs and Tier suppliers are using to mov ...
Agora 6
  1. Agora 6
    The transition to hydrogen transportation requires a revolution in storage and distribution technology. This session focuses on the exciting advancements in composite materials designed specifically f ...
Agora 5
  1. Agora 5
    Join industry veteran Jeff Dahlgren as he takes us on a journey through the evolution of bonding and composites. With over 44 years of experience in the industry, Dahlgren will provide unique insights ...
    Logo Airtech International
  2. Agora 5
    This session will explore the current barriers to be overcome both to develop a well-organized collection system for composite waste and also to scale-up efficient recycling technologies for composite ...
Agora 6
  1. Agora 6
    With the aerospace industry shifting towards narrowbody aircraft programs demanding high production rates, composites suppliers are in a fierce competition to secure their place in the supply chain. T ...

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    ST Engineering

Agora 5
  1. Agora 5
    From an economic perspective, the market is dynamic and experiencing strong growth. Naturally, activity follows the fluctuations of end-user markets, but more broadly, it is the share of composites wi ...
    Logo Polyvia
  2. Agora 5
    The composites industry is poised for a groundbreaking transformation fueled by the recent surge in material data and computational power. This session dives deep into the exciting possibilities of Ar ...
  3. Agora 5
    The focus of the roundtable is to discuss the alternatives that exist in the market for bio-based composites, as well as the innovations that will reach a commercial stage in the coming years. The exp ...
    Logo ELCA
Agora 6
  1. Agora 6
    As the marine market corrects after the COVID-19, the emphasis is on decarbonization and sustainability based on Life Cycle Assessment, digitalization and new forms of innovation offering opportunity ...
  2. Agora 6
    As a new edition of the Everest of the sea, the Vendée Globe, just ended with world record breaking performances, leading teams and experts analyze composite technologies for longevity and success, fr ...
    logo GSW